Venusil ASB C18The unique Venusil ASB C18 columns from Agela is specifically designed for the separation of polar compounds from extremely low pH (stable at pH=0.8) to medium pH with high temperature tolerance, up to 100°C.



The stationary phase is end-capped with polar groups, which brings out very strong separation power for polar compounds. High aqueous compatibility makes the Venusil ASB C18 column much better peak shape, retention, and efficiency comparing to other “AQ” columns. The Venusil ASB C18 column also has extremely low bleed and high sensitivity for LC-MS.

Browse dIfferent Venusil columns

“The ASB C18 column outperformed any other column I could get my hands on and I was able to handle the hundreds of COMT compounds I was presented with. ”

McClain Ray T., Ph.D

Merck & Co., Inc

Friday, March 20, 2009


“I tested for my compound and found a better Sensitivity for ASB C18 column than regular luna C18 2.1×50 mm, 5um.”

Xiaorong Liang, Ph.D

Staff Scientist

Covance Laboratories Inc.

Thu, Mar 19, 2009

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Chemistry reagents, HPLC columns, natural compounds
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