Screening Compounds Screening Compounds Our present compound collections (US and Abroad) exceeds 680,000+ readily available synthetic organic compounds.
Chemical Building Blocks Chemical Building Blocks and Intermediates
Our building blocks and intermediates, available from milligram to multi-gram amounts, can also be synthesized in larger quantities upon request.

Fine chemicals, biotechnology reagents, buffers, natural products, separation technique products from small quantities up to bulk.
dPeg Biotinylation Reagents & Labels
PEG (discrete polyethylene glycol ,dPEG™) crosslinkers, modification reagents and related products are now available from TimTec Inc. dPEG compounds and their derivatives are suitable for wide range of therapeutic, diagnostic, and molecular engineering applications.
Plant Extracts
Plant Extracts

Our database contains plants collected from various regions of the former USSR with about 2600 available from stock for extraction. Extracts can be prepared on a large scale and fractionated. Active plant component identification is also possible.
genipin Genipin
An excellent natural cross-linker for proteins, collagen, gelatin, and chitosan cross-linking.
gossypol Gossypol and Derivatives
Gossypol is available for large-scale (1, 10, 100 kg) production at our facilities. Unique compounds derived from gossypol are available from stock and for re-supply.
ST029401 2-Chloro-4-nitroimidazole
2-Chloro-4-nitro Imidazole

2-Chloro-4-nitro Imidazole is available from stock in g/mg amounts and also for large scale synthesis.
A medicinal preparation against cancer, photosensitizer PHOTOGEM®, the unique medication used in photodynamic therapy (PDT) of malignant tumors of various localizations.
Cosmosil and Cosmogel COSMOSIL and COSMOGEL HPLC Columns and Packing MaterialsCOSMOSIL HPLC columns provide high efficiency and high-resolution separations. Based on spherical, totally porous silicas COSMOSIL columns offer enhanced chemical and mechanical stability as well as very high surface coverage. COSMOGEL packing materials are non-silica based and provide superior performance in our ion exchange columns.

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MyriaScreen II – diversity screening library from Sigma-Aldrich and TimTec
ApexScreen is a collection of 5,040 compounds that were selected to represent the diversity of TimTec stock
Chemistry reagents, HPLC columns, natural compounds
innovative software packages for chemical database management, chemical web server, structure drawing, diversity analysis, clustering, HTS and combinatorial chemistry, prediction of LogP/solubility/Pk, and Spectra Management

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