I need an SDF file

Please use TimTec's Structure Search to search by IDNUMBER, then click Save as SD File option up top. SDF Files contain multiple MOL files

To Access our library SDF files please visit our Database downloads

I need a MOL file

MOL Files contain a chemical structure in a text (number) format. Our online store TimTec eStore or Structure Search contains MOL files for each compound


Compound Searches

You can search for compound by Structure or by ID Number. If neither yields results, please contact us and/or register to download our full databases



We provide SDF/excel files for all of our databases. Registration process requires us to authenticate your account before downloads become available; to expedite this please call us. We also ship database CDs - send us your mailing address.


How to create a database

To create a database you need to draw the structure for each record and after completion export the database into one of the popular formats. Alternatively you can use SDF/Smiles/Chm/Inchi other allowed file types to import a database into a software of your liking. Visit www.ChemDBsoft.com for our award winning database software that features calculation, logp/s/a, smile, sdf, mol import/export and unlimited database records.


I can't find an ID/order/cas/catalog number

Please contact us - not all of our compounds are listed online. We can provide you with custom synthesis quotations for any structure/substructure you seek.

Using our structure search can speed up your search


Placing Orders

Fax orders to 302-292-8520 or email t or

Alternatively call us at 302-292-8500


Additional details

Please specify if partial shipments are acceptable. Include an email to receive automatic email notifications from UPS/FedEx.


Our Payment Options

Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard and American Express.

Purchase Orders


TimTec W9 & vendor forms

Please contact us with your requirements. To expedite call us 302-292-8500


Shipment Options & Cost

We can waive the shipping charges if you provide us your FedEx/UPS account. All compounds ship with a structure file containing basic compound info. Basic domestic USA shipping is $45. For international shipping $185.

Delivery Time

Products are shipped via UPS or FedEx from Tampa, Florida. We can accommodate overnight (24H) shipping requests for ActiMol Collection (150,000+ compounds). Overseas and Extended stock compounds vary in delivery time:

Name Number of Compounds Delivery time
ActiMol Collection - Stock A 155,500 Overnight - 2 days
Stock B 682,119 1 - 2 weeks
Stock C 521.587 2 - 3 weeks
Stock D 514,908 3 - 4 weeks
Stock ABCD 914,133 1 day - 4 weeks


Plating and Formatting Options

All compounds are stored in dry form and could be freshly prepared in solutions. Compounds are delivered in 1DR(3.75ml) vials, 96- and 384-well plates. We can provide specific formatting and custom storage solutions - please contact us with your requirements.

Compound management and handling services are available


Compound Storage Requirements

Store compounds in a dark, cool place. Certain products require refrigerator/freezer storage; in those instances we will inform you ahead of time


I need very small/large quantities of a certain compound

We will do everything to accomodate your quantity requirements, may it be less than a mg or a few grams. Custom synthesis is available for large scale (KGs) productions.


How can I convert sdf format into ISIS/Base(.DB) format/another format?

In ISIS/Base, you need to create an empty database(or use an existing one), assign correct external index fields, and then import the SDF file. ISIS/Base manuals cover this in greater detail. Custom form can be created to display specific fields and omit others. MDL website has additional information on data manipulation within ISIS.

We can also provide services such as database management and data conversion for a fee depending on the amount of work needed


How can I convert Excel into JC format?

You cannot directly convert Excel to JC/other formats.

In order to do this, you need to import Excel data to a database, then you can save it in another format including JC.

FAQs - General

MyriaScreen II – diversity screening library from Sigma-Aldrich and TimTec
ApexScreen is a collection of 5,040 compounds that were selected to represent the diversity of TimTec stock
Chemistry reagents, HPLC columns, natural compounds
innovative software packages for chemical database management, chemical web server, structure drawing, diversity analysis, clustering, HTS and combinatorial chemistry, prediction of LogP/solubility/Pk, and Spectra Management